Birds of our marsh and an Artist in residence

Over many years I have emersed myself in the marshy landscape of the Thames Estuary.
In 2024 I had a very successful exhibition in Gravesend called ‘Marshes Mud Flats & a Wreck’ which included collage, sketches, photographs, a slide show and poetry.
Also I took a close look at the amount of rubbish that gets washed up along the shoreline.
I wanted the exhibition to remind folks of what they have on their doorstep and the need to cherish it and protect it.
As I’m artist in residence of this wonderful place I now feel compelled to study the array of the many different birds we have, our visiting feathered friends and our residences.
Take a look at ‘Birds of our Marsh’ in the heading Collage This is the beginning of my new exhibition for 2025 in St Mary’s Church Higham.
Over the next year I’ll be down on the marsh watching, listening and capturing the essence of this ever-changing bird scape: the Curlews, Oystercatchers, Shelduck, Avocets, Dunlin and so many more.
I can’t wait to share this with you.